Best Lattice Alternative - SuperBeings

SuperBeings and Lattice both offer engagement surveys and performance reviews, so why choose SuperBeings?

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Engagement Surveys
Onboarding and Exit Surveys
Diversity and Inclusion Survey
Goals Cascading & Tracking
Employee Lifecycle Surveys
Projects Tracking
Performance Review Automations
Performance Snapshots
Personality & Culture Profiling
Continuous Upward Feedback



Trusted by the best companies in the world
The Difference

What makes SuperBeings different?

Tap into the latest in people science, close the feedback loop, and receive global support.

SuperBeings goals tool is highly flexible and lets you manage goal weights, goal approval workflows and more

SuperBeing’s engagement tool converts employee feedback into 1:1 recommendations for the manager

SuperBeing’s performance tool automates admin work by letting you configure employee life cycle based reviews

Lattice’s goals tool does not allow customizations like weights, approvals, and dedicated check-in owners

Lattice's engagement tool does not drive ground action directly via line managers

Lattice’s performance tool does not help you reduce admin work with review cycle automations

Ben Fahlgren
Sr. Manager, People Operations at Zippin

It's been exactly what I was looking for. Provides interesting and actionable information in a real-time way with a very unobtrusive UI built into the chat system

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