Run Successful Quarterly OKR check-ins

Use our Quarterly OKR Check-in Playbook to set, measure and track quarterly goals and create better goal alignment within and across teams

Quarterly OKR check-ins give a comprehensive view of the overall OKR progress within the organization as compared to annual business OKRs. Quarterly OKR reviews help managers and leaders solve grass-root performance challenges while facilitating cross-team collaboration and organization-wide goal alignment.

What you will require

  • Set business goals 
  • Set Key Results
  • Running OKR system / tool (recommended)

Duration:15-45 minutes

Instructions for Quarterly OKR Check-in

1. Prep (Before the check-in)

  • Set the schedule for quarterly OKR review in advance to avoid conflicting time slots and increase participation from different teams 
  • Have a clear agenda that specifies when each team's OKRs will be covered, as well as other topics of collective goal
  • Ask each team to prepare an OKR report or brief in a standardized manner to facilitate a comprehensive discussion and effective reflection during the review
  • You can ask the teams to follow the simple OKR report format for the reviews —
  • Recap team progress on the goals set in the previous quarter
  • Reflect on team efforts and initiatives
  • Discuss the learnings and suggest follow up actions

2. During the check-in

  • Observe the schedule and allow enough time for each team to deliver their team’s OKR progress. performance roadblocks and suggested solutions
  • Keep adequate time at the end of the presentations and encourage other teams to offer comments, recommendations, feedback, and thoughts
  • Encourage useful 360-degree feedback to help teams identify and solve issues and easily achieve OKRs in the next quarter
  • Enable various teams to ask the appropriate questions about the process, enablers, challenges and other factors

3. After the check-in

  • Organize all of the major insights into one document and share it with the entire organization (This is where using an integrated OKR tool becomes efficient)
  • Use solutions like SuperBeings to enable goal visualization and organization-wide goal alignment for improved cross-team collaboration
  • Use an integrated dashboard and automated reporting to keep a close eye on the progress of your OKRs daily and regularly track progress with weekly OKR check-ins

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